me.master 1: the training for professionals who want to see what is behind behavior

As a professional, you want to support people as best you can, help them grow and get the most out of themselves (and their organization). You know that in order to accomplish this, you must first find out why they have not yet achieved what they want to achieve?

What is holding them back? Where do potential barriers come from and can they be influenced? Want to answer all these questions quickly and adequately. The me.master 1 is the training that will help you use the me.scan to answer all these questions within 10 minutes.  

me.master 1

The kickstart to working with the me.scan

The me.master 1 allows you to understand and debrief the me.scan and integrate it into your way of working.

  • In me.master 1 you will learn how unconscious patterns determine people's behavior and how to recognize, reinforce or break those patterns.
  • You experience how the me.scan gives insight into talents and pitfalls. How? By working practically with your own profile during the training.
  • You discover why energy-draining behavior occurs and why people continue to stick to such behavior anyway.
  • You will learn how we perceive the world around us.
Training dates 2024  

Training dates are set in consultation with registered participants whenever possible.

More information or register using the button below.

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"The me.master 1 was very valuable, professional and hands-on. The training and me.scan add immensely to talent development and career coaching and allow me to find out the underlying coaching question much faster as well as focus on a candidate's natural talents."

Sonja Elbers, hr consultant & talent coach 

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