Systemic facilitation with the me.scan
Are you the professional who really wants to look behind the behavior of individuals and teams? And who is not afraid to look beyond what the eye sees? Then we have the right training for you!
Both me.scan and systemic facilitation, both look at the unconscious drivers behind behavior. One from the perspective of the individual, the other from the perspective of the system. Essentially different but completely complementary.
In these practical trainings we let you experience how both ways of working reinforce and support each other and we give you practical tools with which you can make a first start to use these ways of working in your way of working.
This training is divided into modules. In each module we approach a specific theme. The basic module focuses on the fundamentals of systemic facilitation and is mandatory for participation in any of the other modules.
Upon completion of the entire training, you will have mastered the basic techniques to perform systemic interventions in one-on-one coaching with the me.scan that can redirect unconscious behaviors into conscious choices.
Basic module
Systemic viewing and intervention.
Look systemically at the me.scan and implement interventions appropriate to the specific situation of the system.
This is what you should expect:
- A module at the level of connected participants
- Handouts of the module
- A systemic toolbox (puppets, floor anchors, crayons)
- A theoretical framework supported with many practically applicable exercises to work with yourself.
This is what we expect:
- Be familiar with feedback from the me.scan
- Sharing your personal me.scan
- Openness about own process and experiences
Module 1
Recognize unconscious systemic patterns and facilitate systemic interventions.
During this module you will learn more about the three of the seven most common patterns within a system that may be responsible for unconscious behavior.
This is what you should expect:
- A module at the level of connected participants
- Handouts of the module
- A theoretical framework supported with many practically applicable exercises to work with yourself
This is what we expect:
- Going through the basic module
- Sharing your personal me.scan
- Openness about own process and experiences
- Bringing the systemic toolbox (puppets, floor anchors, crayons), as received at the basic module.
Module 2
Recognize unconscious systemic patterns and facilitate systemic interventions.
During this module you will learn more about the other four of the seven patterns within a system that may be responsible for unconscious behavior.
This is what you should expect:
- A module at the level of connected participants
- Handouts of the module
- A theoretical framework supported with many practically applicable exercises to work with yourself
This is what we expect:
- Going through the basic module
- Sharing your personal me.scan
- Openness about own process and experiences
- Bringing the systemic toolbox (puppets, floor anchors, crayons), as received at the basic module.
Module 3
Releasing the present, untapped potential using the me.scan and systemic interventions.
In this module we dive deeper into the concept of potential. We look for the hidden patterns and the forgotten talents, which are at the basis of the unused potential and try to make them visible using systemic interventions so that new choice becomes possible.
This is what you should expect:
- A module at the level of connected participants
- Handouts of the module
- A theoretical framework supported with many practically applicable exercises to work with yourself
This is what we expect:
- Going through the basic module
- Sharing your personal me.scan
- Openness about own process and experiences
- Bringing the systemic toolbox (puppets, floor anchors, crayons), as received at the basic module.
Training dates
Trainings start regularly.The start date is determined in consultation with the participants as much as possible.