We have the best tools on the market. You have the guts to look behind the behavior. Together, we ensure growth in organizations and of their people.
The team at me.scan company helps people and organizations succeed. How? By looking behind their behavior, by visualizing talent (literally) and by helping people use their talents optimally. We show that everyone is talented and that everyone can make a valuable contribution.
People who know and use their talents, who recognize, acknowledge and can handle their pitfalls and sensitivities and who act in a self-aware and inspired manner: these are the factors that form the foundation for making a valuable and successful contribution to our world. Even when the going gets tough or when resistance has to be overcome.
Our drive
We offer tools that give people and organizations insight into their natural potential and help them appreciate and develop this potential. Thus we support them to make choices that are valuable for themselves and their environment.
We develop tools that are positive, supportive and accessible. We share our expertise and partner with organizations that make a relevant and sustainable contribution to individuals, teams, organizations and society at large.

"If everyone is allowed to be their best, we will get a better world in return. Guaranteed"
Successes and failures, I have experienced and seen both up close. Curious as I am, I searched with our team for the key to success and the causes of failure. How can you be sure to be and remain successful, AND how do you prevent failure? A question that seems complex and unanswerable. Until we realized that the answer is of impressive simplicity. People make the difference. It's not the circumstances that make the difference, nor is it outside influences. People are at the root of every success and every failure.
Peter van Nieuwburg, CEO me.scan company
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