The me.scan is there for everyone; regardless of background, education level, age or language
Looking for the perfect match excludes everyone
Even in an overstrained job market, people are on the sidelines. Talent that remains unused for all sorts of reasons. Often these are people distant from the labor market, or is it a labor market distant from people? But just as often for other reasons that make it harder to find suitable employment.
What does it do to a person if you can never meet a job profile, if your talents are not recognized or if your possibilities are hampered by limitations you did not ask for. AND what does it do to a person if you know what your talents are, know that you are of value and if you can make a contribution?

Within the social domain people are working hard to increase labor participation. Training and coaching job seekers, job carving, internships, projects with employers and much more. me.scancompany helps organizations within the social domain with the me.scan and me.talentmatch by making talent visible and by matching that talent to roles that need to be filled. The me.scan is there for everyone; regardless of background, level of education, age or language.

"The me.scan is the talent test for us to get a quick and sharp picture of the talents and obstacles of the inactives we work with. This picture helps us to support inactives, even if they have multidimensional problems and a large distance to the labor market, more effectively and better to achieve a suitable place in the labor market. The effectiveness and success of our approach is demonstrated in an independent socioeconomic measurement in 2022."
Bert Smeets, Founder of Health 4.0 health practice